S.A.Lab company (Sound Analysis Laboratory) designs, produces and installs High End and Top End components and systems.
Audio systems and components created in the Sound Laboratory are based on the best classic engineering solutions developed during several decades of solid state and tube engineering.

'No compromise' quality requirements for every stage of development — from preliminary planning, elemental parts choosing and model designing to Products and installation — enable to support and corroborate the highest reputation of S.A.Lab designs for the experts as well as the connoisseurs of high quality sound among the most experienced audiophiles. This is confirmed by voluminous positive feedback in the specialized Russian and foreign press, prizes at the Hi-Fi/Hi-End forums and exhibitions. And of course the most important thing for us is the excited comments about the sound of S.A.Lab audio components.

And of course the most important thing for us is the excited comments about the sound of S.A.Lab audio components.
S.A.Lab Company — an abbreviation for Sound Analysis Laboratory or for Sound Laboratory — was founded in 2002. That year its founder and manager Alexey Syomin decided to participate in the Moscow Hi-Fi Show, which traditionally showcases a wide range of world-famous brands and sound reproducing equipment in Hi-Fi and High End categories.

By then Alexey had already acquired a profound experience in the field of designing audio gear and Hi-Tech non-audio electronic equipment for special purposes. During the quests and experiments, which lasted for a whole quarter of a century, S.A.Lab founder formulated for himself the notion of an ideal audio system capable of representing all the wealth of musical sound up to the tiniest nuances. He understood that such a system couldn't contain mass-produced parts, for they bring an irreparable damage to sound because of the inherent technological compromises.
In essence, Sound Laboratory today is the only audio design boutique in Russia capable of creating high quality audio components and systems according to the most sophisticated consumer requirements — the genuine masterpieces for the most experienced connoisseurs of music. All our products are unique because they are created with the detailed and thorough regard for the clients' requirements in mind and in an indissoluble connection with the clients. This is valid both for entry level components and — naturally! — for the exclusive projects of High End level, such as S.A.Lab Ligeia, Erato, 300B and other amplifying complexes. That's exactly why not a single S.A.Lab product can be considered as a mass-produced one in the generally accepted meaning of the word.

Our primal love is for Sound and Music. Our main aim is to carefully bring them to you.
First of all they are people for whom music isn't just a background, but the necessity to thoroughly perceive and appreciate the musical substance is an indispensable part of life, for those who regard music as an inalienable and the most precious facet of an aesthetical picture of their environment.